EUCHARISTIC CONFERENCE











  SAT., JUNE 1, 2002


  440 LA GONDA WY.


 Sponsored by:







Come Praise Him

with your presence!


8:30 a.m. Holy Mass

with Bishop J. Cummins


Solemn Eucharistic Procession


Eucharistic Adoration

Great Program of Conference Speakers

Very Reverend Robert Christian, OP

Distinguished Dominican Professor of Sacred Theology at the Angelicum University, Rome.

From his profound knowledge and love of the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, Father Robert sheds light on this great mystery.


Miss Rosalind Moss-- Exciting Jewish

Convert who discovered the Treasure of the Eucharist. Rosalind is a highly acclaimed speaker for Catholic Answers and co-host of EWTN’s Household of Faith. Come hear her share her enthusiasm for the Catholic Faith.


Reverend Steven Duffin---Very popular

and energetic speaker with Saint Joseph Radio

Speakers' Bureau and frequent guest on Saint

Joseph Radio. Father Steven presents powerful

and upbeat talks on the Blessed Sacrament.




Please fill out the registration and meal forms below: (Register early for assured seating – 700 hairs, bleachers thereafter.)


Registration donation:

$15 adult

$30 family ( 12 to 17)

$10 youth (12-17)

Number of adults ___ @ $15 = $______

Number of families ___ @ $30 = $______

(We regret: No child care is available)

Number of youth ___ @ $10 = $______

All priests: No Charge

Donation to help others attend $______

Optional Dinner total # __ @ $7 = $ _____

Total Enclosed $______


Meal Count:

A box lunch is included with

registration received by May23.


Box Lunch (Circle choice):

roast beef       ham    tuna salad

Optional Dinner

(lasagna, salad, bread, dessert, drink)

#______ meat #______ veggie


Total # of persons registering

including family members _____

Financial Need? Call us.

Special Needs?

 Wheelchair ___ Deaf ___

Please print each name as you want it to appear on your name tag:


Name ___________________________

Name ___________________________

Address _________________________

City _____________________________

State _______ Zip ________________

Home phone _____________________







Send checks payable to St. Isidore Church by May 23rd, 2002: Corpus Christi Conference

2594 Oak Rd. #168, Walnut Creek, CA 94596


***Registrations received after May 23rd must be picked up at the conference check-in desk and no lunch is included.

***Your confirmation will be mailed to you upon receipt of your registration.


For information: Ralph & Brigitte Desimone: (925) 937-7492

This form may be copied for additional names ***Helping Hands Are Most welcome.