Conference Speakers

This is My Body. 

This is My Blood

Rev. Robert Christian, O.P.


A native son from San Francisco, Father Robert was ordained in 1976.  After receiving his doctorate at the Angelicum in Rome, hewas director of the Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Washington in Seattle.  In 1985 he returned to the Angelicum to teach dogmatic theology, was Vicar Provincial of the Western Dominican Provence, was peritus at the 1990 synod of Bishops on Priestly Formation, and in 1999 was elected Prior of the Dominican community at the Angelicum. For the feast of the precious Body and Blood of the Lord poured out for us, we invite you to join us in honoring Him with this Conference.  It is our desire to satisfy the hunger for the Living God among us by spreading the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ truly present in the Holy Eucharist.  Come discover the awesome treasure of the Church - the Eucharistic Lord as sacrifice, as communion and as presence.  Come to enkindle faith in Jesus Christ, true God and true man.  Come pray that He may calm our violent world, restore our broken homes, grant us the gift of holy vocations, and strengthen the unity in His Chruch.  Let us pray to Him with longing hearts for these His gifts of Mercy.

Be inspired by our speakers as they witness to His grace in ordinary lives set ablaze by His love.

Can't come all day?  Then come join in Holy Mass at 8:30a.m. and Eucharist procession.  No registration needed.


  Saturday, June 1, 2002

St. Isidore Parish Center

    440 La Gonda Way

    Danville, CA

  Registration Form 

  General Information


  Please Sign our Guestbook





Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Councils 4060 & 8207

Fr. Stephen J. Duffin


Born and raised in Fullerton, California, Fr. Duffin earned degrees in journalism and philosophy from California State University, Fullerton.  While a student there he felt called to the priesthood and upon graduation entered St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California.  In 1991, after five years of study, he was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Orange.  He has served as associate pastor at St. Bonaventure church in Huntington Beach, St. Catherine of Siena Church in Laguna Beach and St. Anne Church in Santa Ana.  He is currently attending graduate school at Boston College. 

Fr. Duffin is a gifted speaker with a deep love for the Holy Eucharist.  Besides his powerful talks on the Blessed Sacrament, he has given classes on Vatican II and The Book of Revelation. He is a member of St. Joseph Radio Speakers” Bureau and a frequent guest of St. Joseph Radio Presents.


Miss Rosalind Moss

Speaking always with joy from the discovery of the Catholic Faith and its great treasure, the Holy Eucharist, Miss Moss lends a unique freshness of outlook from her Jewish roots and 18 years as an Evangelical Protestant.

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